A review by venussenvy
Last One to Lie by J.M. Winchester


2.75 (confused) stars, rounded up.

Oh boy....this thriller contained tropes galore. I was incredulous by the end, very much looking like the Ariana Grande math meme, you know the one. Had the author thrown 75% less of the wild but whack “twists” into this book, it would’ve been great! I would have loved it.

The premise of a woman going to pick her child up from daycare and realizing 1) she isn’t there and 2) there is no record of the child at the daycare at all, thus opening an investigation into whether the child exists at all is a unique one. But things quickly took a turn for the bizarre. I felt the pacing was way off, the main character switched so quickly from anxious mother to conniving sociopath that it made my head spin. It didn’t seem realistic.

The other main character, a cop who was a misogynistic toad (no surprise there) was so incompetent and smug and led around by his testicles that at times I wanted to throw my tablet against the wall. He eventually does get shot (spoiler, I guess) but doesn’t die and that’s the true tragedy of this book.

Not to mention all the other wild sh*t thrown into this relatively short read. My god.

Despite all the mess, I did tear through this just to see how the heck it was all supposed to come together. The ending was fine, sort of predictable, and what do you expect from 50 billion storylines? I just couldn’t bring myself to give this 3 stars, but worth a read if you enjoy hate-reading stuff and don’t take it seriously at all.