A review by ketie
Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare


“I hope that real love and truth are stronger in the end than any evil or misfortune in the world….”

Pain is a funny thing. I feel it when I fall down the stairs or walk into a glass door I have mistaken for air (again). I also feel pain when reading this book or series. How dare an arrangement of 26 letters on a stack of dead tree make me feel this way! IF YOU ARE NOT REAL, THEN WHY IS THE PAIN????

“You know that feeling,” she said, “when you are reading a book, and you know that it is going to be a tragedy; you can feel the cold and darkness coming, see the net drawing close around the characters who live and breathe on the pages. But you are tied to the story as if being dragged behind a carriage, and you cannot let go or turn the course aside.”

Yes Tessa I know that feeling all too well!!!!

“How could three people who cared for one another so much cause one another so much pain?”

I don’t know Tessa YOU TELL ME?????

How many times have you cried while reading this book, no one asked? Well I lost track after the 20th time in 4 chapters. I genuinely don’t know what to say that I haven’t already said in my other two reviews. Do I wish some things were done differently? Sure! Do I love it all anyway? Absoluuuuteeelyyyy!

“Will smiled back, and for just that moment they were Jem-and-Will again. Will could see Jem, but also through him, to the past. Will remembered the two of them, running through the dark streets of London, jumping from rooftop to rooftop, seraph blades gleaming in their hands; hours in the training room, shoving each other into mud puddles, throwing snowballs at Jessamine from behind an ice fort in the courtyard, asleep like puppies on the rug in front of the fire.”

You might as well have stabbed me

I’ve never had a first love, someone whose name you see and it’s like it takes you back to your past and allows you to see the imprint they will forever have on your heart.
William Herondale is that asshole for me. I can’t explain in human words why I love him so or why every time I see his name I’m reminded of a real person I knew that I’m mourning the loss of. His words have stayed with me over 8 years and rereading this made me realize I even took over some of his mannerisms or sayings.

Will is the one who owned the biggest part of my teenage heart.
Jem is the one whose kindness I’ve always aspired to reach.
Tessa is the one whose strength I still admire to this day.
I will forever see their names and feel that fondness in my heart like one has when you think of old friends. So I guess I’m kinda the person I am today because of these characters. (I know it sounds cheesy and eye roll worthy but it’s the truth oops)

This series is in NO WAY perfect but it’s pretty close to me. It also contains one of my favorite poetry lines ever!!

“Though my soul may set in darkness, it will rise in perfect light;
I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.
—Sarah Williams, “The Old Astronomer”

(P.s: Take a shot everytime someone mentions Wills beautiful blue eyes, did we mention he has blue eyes??? I mean we haven’t mentioned it in at least 3 pages but just to be sure we shall remind you again!!)