A review by athenenoctua11
Love Notes For Freddie by Eva Rice


This is the story about a boarding school girl who falls for a factory-working boy who dances, and also the teacher who helps the dancing boy improve his skills. I have always some difficulty with books that are heavy on describing physical activities - in this case, dancing: while it's not a technical description of every twist and turn, it is a very repetitive description of the feelings the dancing evoked in, not only the dancers, but also the watchers. Pages and pages of the dancer's ticks and insecurities and the watching-girl's sighs and near heart-explosions.

In contrast, the girl has a very quirky family that was a lot more interesting to me than the dancing boy or the teacher but that remains mostly as a back-story, sadly. I have to say that, while there were some funny moments and some wonderful descriptions of teenage love, large sections of the book were a bit repetitive and boring and I became eager to finish it.