A review by novelswithnick
Of War and Ruin by Ryan Cahill


Posting about this book series gave me the motivation to finally pick this up and I think it was definitely meant to be. I also read this in a disgusting amount of time and I should probably go call some friends and leave the house

I thought this was unlike any other lengthy book I’ve read, yes it was very long but it was written and structured in a way that it was easy to read

All the POVs were interesting to follow, each one could’ve had their own individually book in relation to their story arcs because they were that good. It was also refreshing to follow both protagonist and almost antagonists points of view as it added to the tension and scope of the story. I couldn’t help but feel more invested in Calens story though, but I think this is only because he was one of the first characters to be introduced to the series and I had that deeper connection

With a book this length it’s almost inevitable that there’s going to be some parts that could’ve been trimmed down slightly (I am just being picky) but it never once lost my attention whilst reading this massive tome even during these parts

I am amazed how Of Blood and Fire has lead to this grand scale of a world, this book is the definition of epic fantasy. It really is an impressive feat and there is more to come