A review by seejennread
Hoax by C.L. Stone


After: yep, finished in a day lol. I didn't really care too much about the actual plot line (the bad guys on the cruise ship), but man oh man, the personal stuff MORE than made up for it. Whew. I'm gonna need a cold shower now lol. Especially that one chapter. Yeah, you know the one. Yowza.

Putting the rest in spoilers, because I want to talk about some stuff...don't click it if you haven't read the book yet or unless you really want to know everything that happened lol.
SpoilerI'm glad the "lady cramps" now seem to be explained by her illness. That was icky. I enjoyed the sexy times (very much) but I had a problem with how she portrayed them. Kayli had sex with 2 guys within 24 hours of each other and neither used protection, but it was okay because he pulled out or he was snipped or she started her period (supposedly) already? That's not okay. That's not how things should be portrayed in a book aimed for young adults (I'm considering 18-25 ya here). Show some responsibility please!

Okay, that stuff aside...the chapter with Corey and Raven kissing zomg I almost squealed out loud but contained myself. (Good thing since I was at my sister's orchestra concert hah!) That was some good stuff right there. And I am sooooo glad she went there! I can't wait to see how that plays out. Also, I'm glad they're finally off that boat.

I almost forgot about the marriage at the end!! That was totally unexpected. I *really* can't wait to see how that works out (or doesn't).

Finally, in the last Ghost Bird book, Kayli & team showed up at the camp right? I was really looking forward to seeing her side of it in the next Scarab Beetle book. Is the timeline off? Maybe it'll be in the next book? I hope so. And OMG PLEASE FIND WIL FOR EFF'S SAKE!!

Before: I always say that I'm going to take my time reading these to make them last, but then I get the email that my preorder is available and I'm like "naaaahhh....reading now!!" :) So I'll probably be done with this by tomorrow and then destined to wait again.