A review by hippiedaizy
Strong Medicine by J.K. Hogan


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I KNEW this book was going to tear me into shreds. I have a thing for completely "broken" boys. I my heart BROKE for Jonah. From the minute he came on page I knew I was in love with him and I knew he'd break my heart.

Jonah is suffering from a mental illness that even his 3 therapists have a hard time diagnosing. But, he's trying, and does a biannual "vacation" at the Riverbend Behavioral Health Facility. Speaking of his therapists...
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I loved how he was "honest" with his therapists. If he didn't want to do something he didn't. If someone asked him a question he was blunt with his answers. He was real with them, but then again he kept so much back from them. I liked that. I liked how he knew he needed help, but he just wasn't ready to accept REAL help.

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I loved how he opened up to Cam. I loved how their relationship was easy, because they both had so much hard stuff in their lives already. They needed something easy. No, I'm not saying everything was hunky dory; I'm saying they fell in with each other easily. They both "got" each other. I loved how Cam wanted to help Jonah.

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While Jonah was going through his stuff, Cam had his own ordeal. Granted his, on the larger scale, were "easier" to fix.
SpoilerI actually hated his family. I thought his dad was a dick and I thought Cam should have laid him out when he had the chance. I also thought the rest of them could go to hell. Especially the end?! NO FUCKING WAY! Did they ever find out if Kenneth was skimming?

There's so much I could say about Jonah's delusions and his mental health, but there are no words to describe what's he's going through. You just have to read it to find out and I hope you fall in love with Jonah and Cam as much as I did. They will never have a "perfect" relationship, because how can they? But, I believe in them. I believe that whatever life throws at them, they'll find a way through it and be stronger for it. They're solid and I know they'll be okay.

J.K. Hogan is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors. She has a way of pulling me into her stories--even stories I didn't even want to read in the first place, ie. https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/1045628950?book_show_action=false

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