A review by jen286
Sworn by Emma Knight


I just started this book and I am not sure if I will make it the whole way through. I swear the author was paid for all of the product placement. Why else would there be so many? It reminds me of Josie and the Pussycats movie, though they were kind of making fun of it, and this is now. I am only a few pages in and every sentence has what exact brand and item. One paragraph had 5 items named by brand. Really? It is VERY annoying. Maybe once and a while an author will point out exactly what brand something is, but this is just getting ridiculous. So now everything is super specific, but a few paragraphs before it was just "the mall in Pennsylvania" as there is only one in the entire state and such like that. So go from incredibly vague to incredibly specific in a few pages. I hope it goes back to vague....that is much easier to read.....

Now that I have finished the book...well it didn't get better. The product placement got toned down, but it really annoyed me how they used the city in New York where they live, but everything from her old town is just "x in Pennsylvania" like the author couldn't find a city/town/whatever to use, or a high school name or anything. It just annoyed me. The other issues - well I just thought the writing in general was horrible, the characters...well I didn't like anyone. I know you want friends, but seriously stick up for yourself! If they don't like you because you are uncomfortable doing something they are not really friends. Then Benji...well he shows up when the book is almost over and I can get behind love at first sight, but at least give him some kind of personality. I mean it was just weird, she had 3 interactions with him and in each one her was...just lame. Not interesting or mysterious or intriguing, just boring. Oh it was sooo bad.