A review by suspensethrill
The Chill by Scott Carson


3.25 STARS

With [b:The Chill|46404292|The Chill|Scott Carson|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1575589845l/46404292._SY75_.jpg|71431933], we have [a:Michael Koryta|24197|Michael Koryta|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1344296094p2/24197.jpg] writing under the pseudonym Scott Carson, and he seems to be returning to his original style of supernatural thriller, something he does extremely well. From the prologue here I was hooked, and it's no surprise that the author is able to spin a web of lies and deceit, but with a paranormal flair. I'm not sure what will be included in the finished copy, but I found the information surrounding the research that the author did into past events that he inserted (fictionally) into this story to be fascinating and engaging. My only major grip with the story is that it was just too long for this sort of book; many people who pick up this sub-genre of thriller are looking for a fast-paced, snappy read, and at 450+ pages in my copy, it bogged down the action scenes. I'd still recommend this one to fans of the author's previous work, and also those who don't mind a meaty read, because the story is incredible.


*Many thanks to the publisher for providing my review copy.