A review by _isabel_
The Traitor's Curse by Eliot Grayson

adventurous challenging emotional mysterious medium-paced


I really, really adored this third installment.
I think I might have preferred book two overall (Cyril and Enzo own my soul), but this was another very solid, highly enjoyable, absolutely freaking delicious gem from Eliot Grayson.
No surprises there: she's one of my favourite authors, and I already knew that only her writing could get my out of the horrific book hangover I had going on.

Lucian and Benedict's story had me on the edge of my seat, giggling and blushing right until the end. I adored them, and I adored the premise of their romance: "I-love-to-hate-you-but-I-secretly-want-to-jump-your-bones", kinda one-sided, rivals-to-lovers; a delicious, forbidden stepbrothers dynamic; a whole lot of pining and yearning plus a very, very, very juicy "I'll help you if you help me" (*winks*) pretend sex-hate (THEY SECRETLY ADORE EACH OTHER); and a whole lot of secrets, misunderstandings, political scheming and protectiveness/possessiveness. Everything I love in a romance, and then some more.
Lucian was a fabulous protagonist, a prickly, icy, competent mess of a man, and I adored being in his head. And Benedict was his perfect counterpart: an unrepentant flirt with a heart of gold, and so protective of Lucian you'll spend the whole novel swooning. Trust me, I did.

I loved their romance, and I adored the plot to absolute bits: it was fascinating and gripping, and I adored following it. The twists and discoveries kept on coming! I had guessed a couple of things, but others left shocked. So kudos for that!
I loved the side characters, and I'm really excited to see what comes next.
I keep hoping Eliot will give us Leander's story (from "The Captive's Curse") as a Surprise/Secret Dawn Mage, but I think the next one will be about a certain side character that appears here. I'm still excited, but Eliot, if you're reading this: I'd sell my soul for Leander's story okay?
The world-building is SO fascinating, and I never want to leave this universe: it scratches an itch that I rarely manage to, and I'm really, really looking forward to the next installment.

TWs/CWs: murder and murder attempts, violence, dub-con, attempted sexual assault/violence, kidnapping, abusive parent, death of a parent (past).

Many thanks to GRR for the ARC. This is my honest review. 

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