A review by sans
The Earl's Untouched Bride by Annie Burrows


If you're spent any time whatsoever in Romancelandia, you know about the Big Misunderstanding. So what happens when an entire book is a Big Mis, followed by innumerable follow-up misunderstandings? You get a reader who is ready to pull her own teeth out with the rusty pliers in her garage, just to distract herself from this ridiculous and frustrating book.

Seriously. The hero and heroine were on the same wavelength for the first few pages. Then it all went down hill. Good God, I couldn't begin to list all the misunderstandings in this book. There were too many to take in and my poor brain waved a little white flag about 1/4 of the way into the book and didn't come back until I finished reading. The kicker? Everything could have been cleared up if the hero pulled the caber out of his arse and unbent enough to just SMILE at his wife instead of acting like she just let out a stinktastic fart every time she enters the room. And Miss Thing needed to stop flinching every time he came near her. Or, even better, if either of them actually TALKED TO THE OTHER PERSON, everything could have been cleared up in less than a minute. Hells bells. Want a frustrating read with resolution only on the last two pages? Read this. If you want to spare yourself from contemplating violence against your person or throwing your ereader across the room, skip it.