A review by juliereadsromance
Hold Fast by Eliza MacArthur


I heard about this book from another bookish person’s review (I can’t remember who it was!!!??? Sorry) that said that this book reminded her of the older, classic historical romances, and I completely agree. There is a lushness and sweeping feeling to the older historical romances. This book had that feel. 

I also think this book is a good example of how to make historical romance novels very appealing and more relatable for contemporary readers. The author feministified (trademark that) a story from  1400s Scotland in which a woman, a healer by training, escaping a one year forced marriage (hold fast) to a cruel laird is found by the laird for a competing clan. In spite of her initial reluctance, the FMC returns to the laird’s castle to help heal his brother, recovering from a near fatal wound. 

Importantly, the FMC is recovering from the sexual and physical violence from her prior hold fast to the cruel Cameron laird. Much of this book is about her recovery from sexual trauma. The MMC becomes increasingly sensitive to