A review by melissyteapot73
Born Sacred: Poems for Palestine by Smokii Sumac

challenging hopeful sad
This is a hard book to rate as it's about such an important and vital topic, one that I am woefully undereducated in. Sumac, an indigenous poet, descended from a colonised nation who experienced genocide first-hand, so he comes at the topic from a place of understanding and empathy. 
I often feel I am too stupid for poetry, to really "get" it, but this collection really resonated with me, and I feel like I understand the need to witness these atrocities and feel our feelings deeply.

I do think perhaps the preface may have had more impact had it been at the end of the book, or maybe in sections interspersed. It was a lot to get through before I even got to the poems and figured out if they were for me!

Thanks to #NetGalley for the arc in exchange for an honest review.