A review by papablues050164
Black Panther by Reginald Hudlin: The Complete Collection Vol. 1 by Reginald Hudlin


This is how badass the Black Panther is. Wakanda is invaded by a neighboring kingdom, aided and abetted by the 2nd Bush administration, as well as a super-villain team led by Ulysses Klaw. The U.S. has also sent in a back-up team of ZOMBIES--that's right, Zombies, reanimated soldiers who died in Iraq and Afghanistan. All the other foes have been beaten by the time the Zombie Marines arrive. The Panther looks them in the eye and says, "If you are not off this land in one hour, you will considered an invading force and will be dealt with accordingly." After a one-page face-off, the Zombies say, "Have a nice day" and leave.

Reginald Hudlin has done a masterful job of bringing not only T'Challa but the kingdom of Wakanda to life. Later this series will be the basis for a 2010 animated miniseries. Blade makes an appearance, and I swear they made his look like Wesley Snipes. And the Bride of the Panther storyline with Storm is magnificent.