A review by relly
The Tainted Cup by Robert Jackson Bennett


4.5 stars

I very much enjoyed this one, I wish I could have read it faster to get the story out, but at the same time enjoyed savouring it as I read it.

I loved Din, I just connected with him at the start and was enjoying his forage into his new job. The skills he's realising he has at his disposal and being Ana's eyes and ears at a crime scene. He came into himself as the book progressed as he got a bit more sure of his role. He has the smarts to be an integral part of the great team. He is obvious to friendship overtures throughout the book, but by the end had opened up and made some good friends.

I enjoyed how Ana tried to connect with him throughout the book. She threw out snark comments to get a rise out of him and just tried to get him to open up. They came to a good team at the end and I can't wait to see what they do next.

The story was well done with twists and turns throughout that kept it entertaining. I'm in awe of how Ana's mind works and how she put it all together, as the parts that didn't feel connected were all intertwined. 

I'm interested to see what happens with the titans and what Ana and Din get up to in the next one.