A review by greeeer_e_rutt
The Gravity of Joy: A Story of Being Lost and Found by Angela Williams Gorrell


My gosh. This book. I cried. I laughed. I felt seen. I wish more Christians talked about how messy grief is and how joy can coexist in the messy grieving process. She discusses all this and more in powerful and raw stories that are every bit of honest and powerful. I sometimes get scared of those places in me, but she dove right in. For that, I am so inspired. I will say, big trigger/content warning for drug use and suicide conversations. It's a deep reality that's discussed in depth. For me who has experienced suicidal thoughts and attempts but also suicide loss and immense griefs, this was powerful but sometimes hard to read. I had to take it in small doses. But oh how it's worth it. So worth it. And real. The reality of grief and reality of joy are beautifully illustrated across this book. And for those who are lucky enough to have not experienced profound grief, this book is also incredible in teaching how to sit in it even when it's not yours. I remember specifically reading a part that talked about when you don't know what you need when you grieve. It was a call for supporters to rally around the person and not ask. But just do. During a season of grief, my mentor quoted this to me once, without me realizing it, and it was the most relieving acknowledgment. I think it shaped how she helped me as she didn't ask. She just did. It was so kind and helped me vocalize where I was and helps me in my ministry with my grieving congregation that they may find joy again. Fully recommend. Excellent read.