A review by booksfortehj
A Line Made by Walking by Sara Baume


I have been trying to decide what to write about this book, I loved it so much. I found myself relating to (the main character) Frankie more often than not. I underlined and marked so many different passages. I found myself chuckling out loud on multiple occasions. Sara Baume's style of writing is beautiful and so witty, even though most often she is describing her struggle with depression. And how appropriate it was that I started reading this on the first anniversary of my grandmother's passing, as my family is trying to sell her home (which is partially the premise of this story).
I found myself realizing that not much happens in this book, not much action or suspense, but that was not at all a bad thing. The story still moves along quite well, I didn't want to put it down. I also didn't want it to end, so I put off reading the last chapter. Word of advise - I found that the narrator often references points shared earlier in the story, which told me I really needed to pay attention to really get it all.
Her references to works of art throughout the book was also wonderful. I felt like I was back in my college art classes, and I felt it really added to the story. If you appreciate art, I think you'll appreciate this aspect of the book.
And the nature writing! Though some a bit sad, I enjoyed how she wove "her wilderness" into the story, her descriptions.
I would definitely recommend this book to others. I have several friends in mind to share it with!