A review by bookbunny9
Nomad Century: How Climate Migration Will Reshape Our World by Gaia Vince

Did not finish book. Stopped at 15%.
I'm not sure what to think of this book. Maybe it's because I study climate science, but it was odd that the author only had two references for the introduction when she makes a lot of claims about the future. This makes it difficult to track and verify her information.  Additionally, I don't know where she got 4°C of warming from - that's very middle of the road, as the business as usual model for warming is 8.5°C from pre-industrial temperatures, and we are already on track for 1.5°C, unfortunately. Overall, I'm sure she has good points, but the idea that we can build lots of cities in the global north without further impacting the climate (let along geoengineering - I am not a fan) seems misrepresentative, even before we get into the creation of global governing bodies. I'd be interested to read a review from someone more knowledgeable.