A review by teresainohio10
The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes


Puzzles, mysteries, unexpected inheritance what a great read. Avery is barely making it through high school living in her car because her sister is dating a jerk. Thinking she is being called to the office to discuss test scores again, her world is rocked to the core when she is summoned to the Hawthorne estate for a reading of a will. Seems the benefactor of the family gave it all to her and very little to the family. The family is aghast to find out they can't challenge the world, clueless on how Avery got it all and the grandsons realize this is all a puzzle to be solved. Seems their grandfather did this all their lives with many other requirements along the way.

Fast paced and energetic right up the cliffhanger ending which doesn't really clear anything up but want you to get answers quickly in the next book