A review by justareadingmama_charly
A Thomas Jefferson Education: Teaching a Generation of Leaders for the Twenty-first Century by Oliver Van DeMille


Reread 2023: This was one of the first books on homeschooling I read (it may have been the first) and I remember loving it. Rereading it was a bit of a letdown. There are definitely great ideas in the book, especially the core idea of using classics rather than textbooks. My main problem with the book was that I kept feeling a superiority from the author; it felt like he had an idea of the ideal education and nothing else was good enough. While I love and respect classics, I know many people who are very educated and successful but haven't read a wide range of classics deeply. While I still think there are some good ideas in this book, there are now other books I would recommend over this one to new homeschool moms.

Original Review (2013): 5 Stars
A must read for parents, especially for homeschoolers. I love the basis of education being on books because if we can teach children to love books, they will grow up motivated and knowing how to continue their education and that will help them become more successful in all areas of their life.