A review by kayleigh_kbooks
Toxic by Jus Accardo


Toxic Review on K-Books

"Sometimes I can't breathe when I'm near you. Knowing we can't touch steals the air from my lungs. It hurts, and it's all I can thing about."

Woah! What a phenomenal and emotional book. I was so excited when I received Toxic, the second book in the amazing Denezen series, for review. I just had to start it straight away. I instantly fell in love with this series when I read the first book Touch last year and have been very impatiently waiting for the next installment. I was not disappointed in the slightest. Toxic surpasses all my expectations and is even better than the phenomenal Touch.

Dez and Kale were warned that things would change but they never expected their worse fears would come to life. Dez's immunity to Kale's 'death touch' suddenly fades and she finds herself unable to do the one thing that she took for granted. Being able to touch her beloved boyfriend. Suddenly faced with the fact that this could be permanent a new face joins the team of Sixes, Jade may be the one person who could help Kale to control his touch. But Dez and Jade come to blows when Jade shows that she is crushing hard on Kale. But suddenly keeping her boyfriend is the least of Dez's problems. Faced with Denezen again, Dez finds life-threatening trouble and the only way to save her life may be to go to the one place she is sworn to fight against.

This is without a doubt one of the most emotional books I have ever read in my life. Toxic definitely takes us on an emotional journey. I was all happy and in love with Kale one minute just to be freaking out and crying the next. I was almost scared to finish the book just because I knew something big was going to happen. I was definitely right about that.

Dez goes through such a hard time in this book. It's really tough for her which makes it really tough on the reader. This is an incredibly emotional journey for Dez. She has to deal with the fact that she can't touch the one person she loves as well as deal with the new girl vying for Kale's attention. I really felt for her and although I have faith that everything is going to work out in the end I was just hysterical, crying one minute because my heart seriously hurt for her and then so angry the next I wanted to jump in the book and throw some punches. The thing I loved about this book is that we really got to see a different side to Dez. In book one she is this strong, take no crap from anyone, badass heroine but in this one we see her vulnerability. That she is just like any girl who has insecurities and she can't be strong all the time and I loved being able to see that side of her.

Now then let's move onto the new girl, Jade. Basically I freaking hate her! I despise her and I just want to strangle her! She is awful and mean and plainly just a bitch! There were so many times in this book where I was so damn close to throwing my kindle across the room and I was so angry. I just hate her. If I were Dez I definitely would have done something different. Like punched Jade every damn time she was near me. I was told I would be surprised by Jade by the end and I kind of was but I still cannot stand her and I want someone to hurt her so damn bad! I just hate her!!

Kale... *insert dreamy sigh here* Kale is just so perfect and sweet. I just love him. BUT as much as I love him that did not stop me from being kinda mad with him in this book. Kale is so innocent and I feel like Jade took advantage of that to try and keep him away from Dez. I love how Kale is so protective of Dez and he's terrified that he's going to hurt her but it did make me incredibly sad that Kale was spending so much time away from Dez. But by the end of course I was back to being head over heels in love with him.

Toxic is an incredible instalment in the Denezen series and there were so many twists and turns. I couldn't believe what happened in the end and was left like: *gasp* I never saw that coming. I cannot wait for the third book and I am left reeling after that cliffhanger. I am dying to see what is going to happen next. Jus is fast becoming a favourite author of mine. She is a phenomenal writer and I can't wait to see what she comes up with next.

Toxic will steal your breath and your heart and leave you begging for more. This is one phenomenal series that you DO NOT want to miss out. I loved every single second of it. A must-read!

"My heart beats like this for you. No amount of touching, no other girl, nothing will ever change that."
