A review by theawkwardbookw
Scarlet Angel by S.T. Abby


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The third book in the Mindf*ck series about a serial killer, seeking revenge falls for an FBI agent, working on her case.

I have flown through the first 3 books in this series in one day. I can not get enough of this story or these characters. I can't tell if I want to be Lana or date her... also still a giant fan of Logan's... what a hottie. I love how complex all of these characters are, and how deep we are diving into their brains. You learn a lot more about Lana's past in this one, and it truly is heartbreaking what she went through... you can't help but want that town burned to the ground along with everyone in it. I like how we got to see more of Hadley in this one, and I hope she is a bigger part of book 4 as well. I love her growing relationship with Lana, and I think they have a very interesting dynamic that will continue to develop. We love a serial killer vs serial killer plot line, and I was on the edge of my seat waiting to see what would happen next and if any secrets would be revealed in the end.