A review by mjfmjfmjf
Earth by David Brin


Reread. But kind of exhausting. Too many ideas and in the end kind of fell over. But it had some details that stayed with me me for years. Looking for a rock in Kansas. Editing 80s sf movies to be 15 minutes long. The gnomes of zurich kind of. A black hole at the center of the Earth? And using [b:Shuttle Down|549127|Shuttle Down|G. Harry Stine|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1263175870s/549127.jpg|1917291] as a detail. And something about a manifestation of Gaia in some manner. And a floating country of environmental refugees. That's a lot for me to have remembered and rightly so. I also recalled being impressed at Brin's version of a worldwide computer network. And reading this now, he really didn't do all that badly. The details were just thin enough that it still worked in 2018 which is remarkable for something published only a year or so after www was invented. But the book also had too much fluff. The scientific dump also was too much. And too much characters. But it did have a real ending. A mixed bag but a pretty good one.