A review by planarlost
Powers and Thrones: A New History of the Middle Ages by Dan Jones


I enjoyed it. My main criticism is that, because this book covers an array of topics and time, it doesn't explore each subject as much as some of his previous books. It felt slightly disjointed in that regard, particularly as the later topics related to the title of the book. When I arrived at the section where Jones tried to connect Medieval universities to modern ones, using the phrase "Medieval 'Woke,'" I found myself for a moment taken out of the work. Using this slang probably dates the book somewhat, and may give some readers a misleading impression of Jones as a person. (Not that I think his argument is invalid, but this heading isn't necessary or even advantageous to the case.)

But in overall standard fashion, it was fun to read, well-written, and informative. It's a nice starting point for its areas, which may have benefitted from a little more depth or fewer ideas.