A review by aoosterwyk
The Difference Between You and Me by Madeleine George


I think the title of this story really means what it says. Each of these characters is based on a stereotype, but they are made more human by our knowing them.
Jesse has been out since the end of middle school and has the support of her activist parents. Emily is corporate America material and keeps a tight lid on anything that may negatively affect her standing in the school community, especially her feelings for Jesse. The story is told in alternating chapters, third person for Jesse, and first person for Emily. The girls have opposing political viewpoints and real power imbalance in their relationship.
The plot revolves around Emily's ambition and a Walmart type corporation trying to gain a foothold in their town. The citizens have already decided they don't want a big box store, and everything that entails, but the chain is relentless. Emily gets them to sponsor the school's fall formal and Jesse spearheads a protest to raise awareness.
Jesse makes a new friend, Esther who is also an activist (with a "thing" for Joan of Arc).
Some story threads seem to go nowhere and characters seem one dimensional, but the story was entertaining and contains much to discuss, politically and sexually.