A review by lucsbooks
Blossoms in Autumn by Zidrou


I absolutely loved this story because there are not many opportunities for readers to get hold of a love story about an older couple. I loved the colors in this book and the art in general with simple language that spoke to me at every page. The themes in this book are also quite interesting: ageism, loneliness, generations clash and sex in old age which was interesting to read about, seeing all the ways it changed the characters and the way they saw themselves. The two main characters have to learn to let go of the box their lives have put them in and realize that they are still alive and can still go on adventures. I loved their love story and the way it dealt with all the problems that come with looking around and realizing you don’t recognize the person in the mirror and that everyone you knew is dead or not present anymore.

Thank you to Net Galley and Europe Comics for this beautiful ARC.