A review by nikkihrose
Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover


This book is heartbreaking and infuriating. I wanted to both hug and scream both Miles and Tate at different times throughout this book. I wanted to understand them – as much as Tate wanted to understand Miles – but just like he wouldn’t give any of his past to her, I couldn’t get my answers, either.

Until the end.
When everything came crashing down.
And my heart hurt.
And I wanted nothing more than to hug them both and tell them that life can be better. It can get better. It can be more than what they’re allowing for themselves.

But I couldn’t do that. Because they’re fictitious. But this is exactly how Colleen Hoover ropes me in every time. Her characters are real to me. Her stories break me. And yet I will forever continue to read them.