A review by lisashelves
Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ / 5 stars
Iron Widow is a fantasy story inspired by the rise of Wu Zetian, the only female emperor in the history of China.

Let’s say, I’ve had this book on my shelf for a little while and hadn’t managed to get around to read it. Then I discovered Xiran Jay Zhao’s Youtube channel, which I love, and really had to read this book. She is just super funny and if her characters were anything like her, I was in for a treat! And just as I expected, Zetains voice really reminded me of Zhao’s when reading hahaha.

I really appreciated the little warning at the very beginning of this book. it doesn’t have anything I personally am uncomfortable reading, but I imagine others are. So, truly, kudos to who put the warning there! It also gives you a bit of an inkling about the intense topics mentioned and discussed in this book. I really appreciate authors who don’t shy away from the “dark side” of the world and how they don’t put these topics on the side line. Seeing Zetian struggle was really admirable, especially because she doesn’t stay down but she gets up and becomes stronger every time. It is definitely a book and Zetian is definitely a character that is a perfect example for the feminist agenda.

The story starts a bit as every story does, with an introduction to the world and the characters, and what an introduction it was! From the prologue I got sucked into this story and this world, which honestly sounds really intense and awesome! I wasn’t thrown off by all the (fantasy) names used for places, creatures and everything. They were easily distinguishable from each other.

The characters are really something. I loved Zetian! I loved how she is morally grey and we see the world through her eyes. She is honestly just badass and I loved how she doesn’t let the world decide for her and doesn’t let herself be defined or limited by the labels put on her. It is really admirable to read and see her grow even more confident and stronger.

The romance really took me by surprise in a very pleasant way. I am not a fan of love triangles and this one is definitely not a typical one hahaha. I love how she doens’t end up choosing! The characters and their relationship grew beautifully and really warmed my heart!

That ending thought! I did not see that one coming! I had a feeling something big was going to happen and some sort of twist was coming, but the information given and the way it ended…. I did not expect that! Talk about an ending that has me by the throat and leaves me wanting more!

Overall, I really enjoyed this fantasy read. It was super unique, I loved the writing style, characters and the world!