A review by mlfey
All the Crooked Saints by Maggie Stiefvater


Stiefvater writes closer to how I think than I ever would have expected when picking up the book--a book I definitely snagged thinking it was something else entirely. The story of a family in the middle of nowhere America with a mission and the power to grant “miracles” is one that kept me engrossed as every now character and problem was introduced and has cemented its place on my bookshelf.
I want to also stop and to talk about examples of the prose. From the back of the book:

Here is a thing everyone wants: a miracle.
Here is a thing everyone fears: what it takes to get one.

- Stiefvater, 2017
That construction is used to introduce characters, and while I certainly wouldn't want every book to use the technique, it gave you a great sort of baseline for every character in a large cast--and that want/fear dichotomy is important to understand how the miracles work. Very well done.