A review by obsidian_blue
Chasing Sunsets: A Cedar Key Novel by Eva Marie Everson


Though I don't read a lot of Christian fiction/romance novels these days I used to back when I was in college. I liked reading chaste romance novels since sometimes all I would read would be sex scene after sex scene with very little plot left over. A friend recommended this book to me since she thought I may enjoy since she reads nothing but Christian fiction books. However, this book was a struggle to get through from beginning to end and I really didn't enjoy it.

The main character Kimberly worked my nerves from beginning to end. Kimberly is still reeling from her divorce and trying to understand why her husband left her to apparently go off and "be with" other women. Kimberly is upset about her young son's seeing their father with so many other women. At first you think that Kimberly is jealous and there are shades of that. However, it was also because she doesn't believe in having sex if she's not married to the person which no problem if that's her belief. Her trying to enforce that behavior on her ex though was wrong and ends up making her look vindictive. Due to Kimberly not being able to see her sons for most of the summer goes down to her father's old vacation home in Cedar Key Island and runs into her long-lost love.

Kimberly just seems really naive about life in general. She apparently had a number of years teaching so she had to be around younger people and know all about addictions and other things that occur in others lives. She just appeared to have blinders on at all times about everything around here whether it was her ex, family, sister, ex-boyfriend, etc. And at times Kimberly was just thoughtless about what she said and even did when it came to a plot point involving her sister and brother-in-law.

I found myself more interested in Kimberly's sister's story-line than Kimberly forgiving her teenage boyfriend for going to college, falling for someone else, and breaking up with her. And yes that is the main plot. Kimberly forgiving her ex for breaking up with her almost 20 years ago and getting over her resentment of his now teenage daughter (I wish I was kidding).

We also had several shifts of points of view through the story and I found myself growing more and more disinterested as the story went on. One of the points of view was Kimberly's ex, Steven who we get to see through flashback how he came to meet and marry his first wife. It just didn't mesh very well with the overall story I think. Maybe this could have been a prequel to the series since it took away from the main plot of this book. We also have an ex-friend of Kimberly's who I thought was acting the way she was because of a potential story-line, but actually just acted horribly, because, reasons.

The writing was not that great in places and the pacing was off. I think that it dragged a bit because I think with so many plot elements Ms. Everson didn't know exactly what she should do with everything. I would also say that for a Christian novel there really didn't seem to be much information about Christianity besides people talking about it is Christian to forgive and some characters going to Church.

The setting of Cedar Key could have been anyplace in the world since it didn't really sound distinctive at all. If there are going to be future books in the series, Ms. Everson may want to include the local townspeople a bit more so that the reader can get a sense of the place.

The ending when it came just kind of happens. I think readers are supposed to think there was this great outcome, but the way I read it, is that things are sort of up in the air.