A review by jessicabeckett
Uncaged Wallflower - Extended Edition by Jennae Cecelia


I find myself living in thoughts
of the future more than
the realities of the present.

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Jennae Cecelia does it again with her marvelous extension of [b:Uncaged Wallflower|32501551|Uncaged Wallflower|Jennae Cecelia|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1475955629l/32501551._SY75_.jpg|53094855]. I said it before with her collection [b:I Am More Than a Daydream|34688452|I Am More Than a Daydream|Jennae Cecelia|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1491873974l/34688452._SY75_.jpg|55867035] but, she knows how to draw her readers into her mind with just a few words. It's like they drift from the pages and grab you by the collar, urging you to listen. What I loved most about this particular release, was that sense of optimism that came with it--Uncaged Wallflower is a flicker of hope for new and old readers alike.

The general feeling of loving one's self is most prominent in this collection and that's what makes it so obtainable. Readers will leave it feeling not only connected to Cecelia's words, but a little more hopeful about their future. Not a lot of poetry can come across as hopeful without being overly fluffy and shying away from harsh realities, but Uncaged Wallflower is the exception to that. She doesn't sugar coat the truth, but there is this feeling that nothing is hopeless.

Including ourselves. Including our dreams. And this release came out just when I, and other readers, needed it.

Jennae Cecelia speaks to her audience with a level of grace that is not common or faked. Further, it is a pleasure seeing her writing as it grows. Readers already familiar with Cecelia's previously published works will spot the differences in prose and have been on some sort of journey with her since they were introduced to her words. Uncaged Wallflower expands on itself in a way that is beautiful, honest and completely organic.

As she grows, her work grows... and in turn, so do we.

Another wonderful and thoughtful release. I know one thing is for certain--Jennae Cecelia is only just getting started and her prose is here to stay. I can't wait to hear more.