A review by vylotte
The Stand by Stephen King


My favorite book, ever.

"Reread" 2018, my audiobook for my commutes. Still a grand story of good and evil, human will, love and hate, and all the big picture items. Some things aren't aging well though. "Stand up Frannie and show everyone how pretty you look in that dress." Or how about NOT, Stu. How about YOU put on the dress and stand up and show everyone how pretty *you* look?? Men introduced by their names. Women introduced as a how they relate to a man. "This is Joe. This is Jeff's girlfriend." etc. And dear Stevie, you have got to stop throwing that N-word around so much. Just ... stop.

Still, it's a grand epic book and it got me through almost three months of my soul-sucking commute, so thank you The Stand.