A review by avalinahsbooks
Zaremba, or Love and the Rule of Law by Michelle Granas


So I've decided to finally write the review for this book. It took me a while to get to it, but it's just cause I wanted to do it justice. And not just cause of that.. I'd prefer not to write a review at all, because this is one of those books that become a personal part of you, and you don't really want to share it.

This book has been lying on my bedside table for many months - many months too long, to be honest. But it's just that the cover is so misleading.. I didn't know what was inside. A good lesson - don't judge a book by it's cover, really - don't. Having started, I instantly realized that I'm going to love it all the way, and I was already sorry to think that even though it's a thick book, it will eventually end. Perhaps it's a feminine story. Perhaps it's sentimental. And you do know how I hate all those romance stories and always try to avoid them. But this.. No. This is just warm, cozy, and perhaps just connected with my own life and feelings just enough so I wouldn't be able to put it down. Many times I caught myself thinking, hey, the main character feels exactly what I have felt! And I used to always wonder, is this just something that I sometimes think and feel..? Having read that, I know that maybe it's not me. Maybe it's just women :) not all, but at least some - if there is a person out there who wrote this and thought about this.

Anyhow, don't be mislead by the cover and the name. The story is a really warm and honest story about a really shy woman who decides to help someone who is actually very strong, but does need help - even if it's the help of a person who seems helpless herself. It's a story about believing yourself, believing others as well. And mostly.. It's a story with a good ending. Sometimes you just need a story which ends well.. Like they say - if it didn't end well - it's not the ending yet.

The cases you should read this in:
- when you need to get back your trust in life and people
- when you need something to warm you up
- when you need to be involved in what you're reading

Because I'm telling you, I picked this up when I was having the worst non-reading period in the last two years.. I used to read this on my bus trips. And I swear, there were at least 3 times when I nearly cried at the bus, at least one time when I barely remembered to get out at the right stop, and many, many times when I was annoyed that my stop is already there and now I'll have to wait several hours more to see what happens next.

The part that I loved the best was probably the fact that the characters were really fleshed out. Somehow they were.. just alive. Maybe I just really connected with them. And the style. The writing style was very honest, very natural. No funny business. And then, then there's also "Z. Devel"... I gotta say, that's.. That's a corny joke! BUT IT'S SO FUNNY!!! xDDD haha. Yeah. So basically, I loved almost everything about this book. So much that I personally thanked the writer for writing it. Read it. At least the females of the species - read it :) (yes, yes, that's a paraphrased quote from the book as well - I just noticed xD)

EDIT: I wonder if I mentioned anywhere that I received this as a Firstreads giveaway. In case I haven't, I'm mentioning it now :)