A review by loischanel
Lullaby by Leïla Slimani


Lullaby is a tragic psychological thriller about a typical French family who decide to hire a nanny to look after their young daughter and son so that Mariam can pursue her dream career in law, which she was forced to put on hold to be a stay-at-home mum. When Mariam and Paul first meet Louise, she seems like a perfect fit, something akin to a singing English governess who travels by air with an umbrella, she's that prim and meticulous. But underneath that veneer, there lies a timebomb-like mental instability that threatens to implode in the most heartbreaking of ways.

Though I felt like this was an altogether average book, it handles the premise and the characterisation well. There was definitely a sense of feeling on edge and the uneasiness of pathetic fallacy. It portrays Louise's darker side in a believable and empathetic light and even discusses the intricacies of race perception and how we are inclined to judge people inadvertently based on this.