A review by christina339
Fifteenth Summer by Michelle Dalton


I really loved this book. I had to force myself to put it down, so I could get some sleep. I really connected with Chelsea. I kept comparing myself to her. And, by this, I mean her personality, not looks. I've wanted red hair since reading Harry Potter. Also, I wish I could meet authors, and wanna be a writer. Josh is such a cute boyfriend. I just love him! His personality is almost perfect. Chelsea was right about him controlling, but I think it is cure. He's cute. (One of thes err says I'm going to create the perfect fictional boyfriend). I think the thing that upset me the most was the fact that their fight was not really an actual fight. It was more like a ten page break... All in all, it was a really cute book. I liked Chelsea's sisters. They were cool. All the characters in this book had their own quirks, which was cool. I do wish we could have actually met Granly, though. Speaking of other stuff, I want to read Michelle's other book, which I have discovered has nothing to do with Chelsea or Josh.