A review by tessafaye0104
Ziggy, Stardust and Me by James Brandon


I truly do not have words for this book. The emotions James’ writing evoked in me at different times was palpable going so far as to making me put the book down so that I could put some distance between me and all the characters.
The story starts with Johnathan Collins. A high school age boy who’s self described awkward phase is something I think anyone can relate to...or maybe just us nerds? One of the most powerful parts of the book was how the author uses the intensities of growing up in the 60’s-70’s era. A time when some people were talking about free love and some were talking about war and hate. The subtle parallels the authors manages to slip into the story is truly inspired.
Yes this story is about Collins going through what I can only describe as a horror of heinous proportions in our medical science -conversion therapy- but it’s also about his and those around him figuring out their role in acceptance (or not in some cases) of otherness in their lives. Collins spends much of the story thinking there is something wrong with him and the reader is going through that with him. We have been made aware of some bullying at school, but he’s ok, he has Starla and as long as they have each other, everything will be fine. But then Starla is getting involved in her own protests and isn’t around as much. Then enters Web, a strong quiet Native American Indian who’s story is just as complicated or more so than Collins’.
I loved Web the moment he was introduced. He’s cool, calm and collected (and gorgeous, ow) from Collins’ perspective, but then why is he hiding in the bathroom..? I love him for so many reasons. To some he may appear brooding, but to Collins he is soft and deep and full of intrigue. His story is complex from the start making him more than just a simple love interest and I think I love that most about him. He’s someone I want Collins to be around. I actually wish I could’ve gotten to know him more. I feel we only scratched the surface of this character, but alas that is the nature of peripheral characters. *sigh*
I cannot emphasize more how much I loved this book. Thank you James for writing a novel who’s characters I want to hang out with and be around more. Your ability to write people and emotions has me hooked. Enjoy this story. Read. Laugh. Smile. Cry. Be.