A review by twistedreader93
If I Was Your Girl by Meredith Russo


I started reading this book late Tuesday night and got so caught up in the story that I ended up reading until about 1 AM! This book was a really short read for me but I felt so many emotions from it that I didn't think was possible from 200 and something pages!

I felt sad for her when I read about the bullying she went through, I was mad at bee for what she did at the dance and I was so angry at Parker for what he did to her at night.

But in the end she had all the friends she still had all the girlfriends she had made that didn't care about her past or who she was before. The one thing I do wish though was to see if Grant actually listened and her out in the end

But all in all this is a story was an emotional roller coaster but loved every minute of it