A review by katiemack
Expecting Better: Why the Conventional Pregnancy Wisdom is Wrong - and What You Really Need to Know by Emily Oster

informative medium-paced
I’m having a tough time rating this one. Many of my friends rave about it, so I picked it up thinking it would be a better alternative to some of the more outdated or pedantic pregnancy book. But, like other literature, it’s worth questioning some of Emily Oster’s assertions.

I do appreciate Oster’s commitment to advocating for yourself in a medical setting by doing proper, unbiased research (without going into an anxiety spiral, of course) and having a clear idea of what you want to get out of your labor experience and how you want to go through your pregnancy. I’m all for taking in knowledge and learning more about how our bodies (and terrible healthcare system) work.

However, it is not a neutral presentation of statistics; there’s clear bias here. Also, as Oster herself states, she is not a medical doctor—even if she has “doctor friends” she consults. She gives advice about practices that should, well, probably be cleared by your medical professional first. Some of the studies she consults about more complex medical issues like C-sections or the way medications and exercise play into pregnancy seem overly simplified.

I can see this being valuable for, again, learning more about pregnancy and trusting when something isn’t right with your body/baby/etc. I just wouldn’t use this as a be-all-end-all pregnancy book.