A review by sarahdm
My Name Is Barbra by Barbra Streisand

Did not finish book. Stopped at 11%.
Guys, I can't do this. I can not defeat this absolute 48 hour long behemoth of an audio book.

Stopping at 11%, 5 hours in, somewhere in chapter 5. Shes like, 19 right now, just got her first apartment, just made her Broadway debut in "I Can Get It for You Wholesale" singing in an office chair. And I am BORED. Despite what you might think "I was very talented at birth and I only ever did things my way" is not a very interesting life story.

She keeps going on and on about being obsessed with "the truth" and "facts." She doesn't want to do anything anyone says for her to do because it doesn't feel "authentic" or "factual." Lets call it what it really is: this woman is a control freak. She has to control her narrative SO MUCH, she is LITERALLY controlling the narrative by giving us every single detail and also actually narrating the book herself. Did her VICE GRIP of control on every single detail of her life make her successful: probably. Was that throttle-hold of control interesting to read: no.

Liked the bits where she talked about clothes and fashion. She seems like a really passionate artist. Also when they added snippets of her music into the audio book. 

She is a very talented singer and an absolute icon. I do love her. But I don't 48 hours love her.