A review by brughiera
How to Live: A Life of Montaigne in one question and twenty attempts at an answer by Sarah Bakewell


This biography would surely have pleased its subject as it addresses Montaigne's life as an answer to that question we all ask: How to live? The approach is unusual but at the same time comprehensive and we follow Montaigne through all stages of his life in roughly chronological order. Another interesting slant is provided by information on how his writings have been received throughout the long period since he first published his work. In spite of his scepticism, Montaigne was a Catholic and a believer and would have been surprised to learn that his famous Essays were put on the Index of proscribed, heretical books by the Church. This only helped to increase his appeal to foreign readers such as the Engish during the Romantic era.

Bakewell's sympathetic rendering of her subject's life provides the ultimate accolade of driving the reader to the source, Montaigne himself, a truly fascinating man.