A review by henrik_w
The Stupidity Paradox: The Power and Pitfalls of Functional Stupidity at Work by André Spicer, Mats Alvesson


A sceptical look at how modern organizations work. Some of the points I liked the most:

- a lot of what is called knowledge work isn't in fact very complicated or knowledge-intensive
- fancy titles can make boring jobs bearable
- documenting what you do has become more important than the actual doing and the results
- having a "positive mindset" can mean that problems are ignored
- not questioning what you do, or why, at work can make you feel good about work, and make things run more smoothly (even if what you do is stupid).

Although a bit repetitive, I liked how the others question a lot of established practices in organizations. There are also 285 references to studies illustrating their points.