A review by abby_ace_of_books
Curse of Shadows by A.K. Wilder


"Love breaks many rules, Kaylin, but not this one."

Why did I wait so long to read Curse of Shadows? I mean, I'm glad I only have to wait 4 months for the book instead of several years, but I am so emotionally distraught right now and I just...so many things happened that I was not prepared for and my roommate probably thinks I'm insane because I was screaming at one point.
This book picks up right after the last one in the Amassia series with Marcus having returned home the bearer of bad news. Now charged with a quest to collect the remaining whistle bones and basically save the world, he and the original cast of characters set off on an action-packed journey. And when I say action-packed, I mean so many different things happened. There was rarely a dull moment, especially past the 60% mark. While most of the plot twists are fairly predictable due to foreshadowing, I still got surprised by the direction the plot turned multiple times. And the ending? Emotionally damaging.
The list of POVs expands in this book two (although I would've much rather heard from Belair, Samsen, and Piper, but whatever) and I actually don't think I had a least favorite POV in this one...actually, probably Salila. Of the main cast, Salila is my least favorite; I think she's cool but I don't like her and Marcus. Samsen, Piper, Belair, and Tyche all had their good moments and I'm excited to see more. I liked Marcus too, but honestly, Ash and Kaylin took the cake here. I didn't love them in the first book but the angst at the end of this one? It hurts so much.
The Amassia series is one of those series that gets better with each book, and considering I read Curse of Shadows in less than 24 hours, I'm super excited for the next book.
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