A review by whimsicallymeghan
A Legend in the Baking by Jamie Wesley


Sloane is a social media wizard, and now she wants to prove it by gaining the social media manager position at her company. But when they don’t offer her the position she quits. Finding a position at another company leads to be just as challenging. She must prove herself by demonstrating she can promote a brand, going head-to-head with her rival. In the heat of the moment she chooses to use her brother’s cupcake company, Sugar Blitz, as her brand, a company he co-owns with her high school crush August. After August goes very viral for a public statement he made, Sloane must work with him to create the best media coverage so she can help her brother, but also get the job. This was a really cute romance. It had a second chance romance for our two main characters in the sense that it was right people, wrong time because the first time they got together, Sloane was in high school and August was almost out of college, ready to start his life, so the reader totally understood the different stages of life that they were both in, then. The harvested feelings were fun to explore because they had both been hurt and didn’t want to hurt the other more, so it was cute, yet sometimes frustrating, to watch these two dance around each other. That really built up the tension though, and had us wanting them to figure it out already; even the secondary characters had it figured out faster. The characters weren’t always good at communicating, but they got better as the novel progressed and the growth they went on and their journey was developed very well. Each character had their own journey to getting where they needed to be, even if they didn’t quite know where that was, necessarily, it was fun to be a part of the ride. The plot was extremely entertaining; it was fast-paced and left the reader zipping through the story. Although, not everything felt believable. There were moments when the antagonists of the story just up and were suddenly okay with things; after making a big deal about the way things were going, they were so stuck in their ways, and then one conversation later, it was like a switch flipped and they were suddenly fine. It just came off as too easy, like the author wanted to wrap everything up in a neat bow. They could have done that, but with a little more give to make it feel a bit more real. That and the fact that the author would switch whose character’s thoughts we were in every other paragraph got to be a bit confusing. Aside from that, this novel was a lot of fun with really good characters who grew together.