A review by melissasreads
The Invasion of the Tearling by Erika Johansen


WHAT DID I THINK GOODREADS?! I THINK that Erika Johansen has taken my heart out of my chest and thrown it out the window. I Can't!!!!!! I Can't!!!!!!!

The world building is absolutely unbelievable. There is so much detail and that causes the story to slow down a bit but I think it's necessary to understand the complexity of the world and it's lands.

The characters are crazy like I cared about every single one of them. They all have a purpose and there's no chapters that you're rushing yourself through because it all connects. I was pleasantly surprised by a few characters this book around - Kelsea, Mace, and Pen!!!!!!!! Please protect Pen in the last book.

To think these books sat on my shelf for so long because I was intimidated should be a crime they are so wonderful.

This series is absolutely mind blowing. I really can't wait to pick up the last one and find out how it ends. 😍

Find a full copy of my review here: