A review by adamrshields
The Man Who Knew Too Much by G.K. Chesterton


Short review. I read half of this and gave up. It is not that it is bad, in many ways this is very good. But I am not a fan generally of short stories. I prefer the longer characterization that comes from a novel. But even more importantly, I am just tired of reading cynical stories. And this is a book of cynical stories. The main character just 'knows too much'. He is well connected and a part of the power structure. So he sees how the rich, famous and powerful get away with things they shouldn't. And he tries to uncover the truth. But even in the uncovering there is rarely 'justice'. Instead there is just disclosure.

My full review of what I read is on my blog at http://bookwi.se/man-knew-much-gk-chesterton/