A review by cchrys
The Hanged Man by K.D. Edwards


Literally more than 5 stars i wish i could rate this higher oh my god. Did not suffer 2nd book syndrome at all!!! in fact, this was better than the first one.

i dont know. beginning to end it had me. this made me understand the magic system and arcana WAY more and once i started to really get it it only made me love this more.

the found family???? how rune is so protective over all of them???? literally needing to be put on ice because he couldnt control his emotions when he learned anna and corbie were kidnapped, like he justttt makes commitments and sticks to them and honors them and i love him for this. his powers are so cool, the way he controls his aspect, his sigils, ‼️‼️

the stuff about the world war ii ship man … this was SO good. Like, all of them traveling through the ship, rune seeing the story play out room by room, explaining to addam and brand what he was seeing, him meeting the hanged man ????

dude THE HOSPITAL SCENES. The hanged man surprising rune and rune having to control his panic so brand wouldnt feel it and come to him