A review by caoilo
Everything Is OK by Debbie Tung


Thank you to NetGalley and Andrews McMeel Publishing for an e-ARC for review.

Everything is OK is a comic based on the life experiences of Debbie Tung. It explores life with mental health struggles such as Depression and Anxiety. Though some of the experiences are personal to Tung and not all readers will have been through those exact scenarios I think that most will still see some form of similarity.

As previously mentioned the book deals with mental health. But one thing this comic doesn't that most books that deal with the subject tend to do is, it doesn't pretend that it or anything else is a cure for mental health. This comic makes it very clear that there is no quick fix for mental health problems.

Ugh I can't begin to explain how much I related to this book. Even though Tung has been in some negative situations I have never been in, I could relate to both the feelings and reactions. I felt seen and understood with this work, which is not always the case with woks on this topic.

The art work alone really struck me. Feelings I have failed to put into words my whole life were now sitting on a page and instead of feeling unbearable (as is sometimes the case with voicing feelings) It made me feel whole. Here is at least one other person who get this.

I felt like it was a very honest approach, sugar coating, no talking down to the reader just. I read somewhere that this was funny, I don't remember finding it funny, but I do remember finding it brutally honest and I respected it for that. At the end like I said, it didn't pretend there was a cure but it did give realistic hope.

As a comic it wasn't everything is ok it was just simply EVERYTHING. I wished I had a physical copy just so I could hug it. I suggest buying a box of tissues when buying this book.