A review by goodverbsonly
The King of Attolia by Megan Whalen Turner


9/23/21: anyway you know how you’re reading a book and you’re like, wow this is good, and then when you finish it you’re like, WOW is this perhaps the best book ever written? that’s what reading the king of attolia is like.

9/20/18: wow!!! everything i’ve ever wanted in a novel!!! far enough away from the action to Keep You Guessing and also, close enough that i know what’s up. having recently finished thick as thieves i am literally going to start crying right here in the office about the sand in gen’s food.

gen manages to straddle adolescence and adulthood as he takes on a responsibility neither he nor anyone else is really ready for making this a coming of age story for Every Character —reevaluating their alliances and preconceived notions about the world and each other.

also like, i’d die for costis and this book is A Lot of fun