A review by geekxgirl
F-Bomb by Lani Lynn Vale


1 Star - DNF @ 61%

Gonna just say I found the heroine Harleigh super annoying. She was a grown woman and her petty attitude when she didn't get what she wanted wasn't attractive in the least. If it hadn't been for her being a hot chick the hero Slate wouldn't have dealt with that crap. He should've just took the hammock down and then seen where whiny Harleigh was with her naps. Ugh.

I also found it to be a cop out that LLV once again throws the ex or in Slate's case, a dead ex, under the bus. Things were bad or getting there, he had doubts, she cheated etc etc. Always with the easiest path out of any true angst or drama.

And when Slate said the moment he fell in love at 55% ??? Hahahaha sure buddy.

And allllwaayyyys with the "virgin in the figurative sense" come on! I've not read about so many "virgins" essentially popping their own cherries by using dildos ever until I read LLV series'. It's ridiculous to think this is the norm on top of heroes with monster dicks just ramming up in there with no repercussions.