A review by author_missyjane
North of Need by Laura Kaye


This story totally had me in its grip for almost half the book. Then the heroine had to go and do something stupid.
Megan is a widow dealing with the second anniversary of her husband's death. Her grief calls to life a snow God named Owen. Things between them escalate quickly which really bothers her on an emotional level. I get that, I really do. But I HATE when the heroine has to "get away to get her head together". This isn't the first book that's had that happen and I'm sure it won't be the last. I guess I just don't get that. Megan knew Owen was on a schedule and left him anyway, to dire consequences. (I won't get into specifics) He NEEDED her and though he didn't exactly spell it out, a three year old would have been able to piece together the reality of his situation. So what does she do? She sees him weakening and decides to go grocery shopping then stops for a leisurely cup of coffee. I was so pissed by that point of the book I almost didn't finish it, which is rare for me.
But this is a romance so of course there is a happy ending. I almost thought the moron didn't deserve it. She had been fine up to that point then suddenly turned into a TSTL heroine. And for what? Because things were happening too fast and she was an emotional wreck. Again, I get that but I don't think it was a strong enough argument to outweigh the hero's immediate needs.
Overall a decent story. I LOVED the hero. If you can get past the part I'm talking about it is a good read.