A review by book_scent
Stones of Light by Zack Argyle


4.5 stars!

What a great action-packed sequel!

The audiobook was, once again, fantastic and had me fully immersed. I had very much enjoyed Voice of War, a solid start and foundation to this series, but Stones of Light took it to another level.

We get more world-building, more magic, and learn more about the lore, which makes the world so much more tangible. The three main POVs return (with the addition of a few new perspectives), but are a lot more balanced throughout the book. I loved how they all had their own arcs. Chrys, Laurel, and Alverax change a lot and, by the end, are nowhere near where they started in book 1. It was great seeing them grow like that, it added more depth and made them feel real. Argyle does an especially wonderful job of handling the female characters, who are all very well-written. Also, I'm glad a certain character got called out on his inappropriate jokes, that's something I'd been waiting for.

I liked the writing style a lot. It was easy to get into and flowed nicely. There were many beautiful & memorable quotes that made me think and even reread certain passages in my e-reader. A few moments could’ve been set up a bit better or earlier for a bigger pay-off, and there were one or two plot conveniences that made me wish the situations had been resolved differently, but that didn’t take away from my overall enjoyment. I’m also happy that a lot of the things that I’d been wondering about after reading book 1 got answered.

I had a really great time with this story and was thoroughly entertained. Everything felt bigger, the stakes were higher, the twists kept coming … I can't wait to see what's up next! I am very much looking forward to diving into book 3 as soon as it comes out!

PS: I really appreciated the summary of Voice of War at the beginning. Always a big plus in my book!!